We are


Digital Health Frontier: Advancing Care Through Technology

Tibatech, a Tanzanian healthcare innovator, pioneers technology-driven solutions for cardiac care. Specializing in IoT and web applications, we blend medical expertise with innovation for personalized treatments, advancing patient outcomes.

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Our products


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CardiNet revolutionizes cardiac care with IoT devices and remote monitoring, utilizing real-time data for proactive interventions and improved patient outcomes.



ECG-STETHO combines digital stethoscope with point-of-care ECG, facilitating simultaneous heart sound listening and real-time readings for enhanced diagnostics.

The Team

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Jonathan N Zeramula

Biomedical engineer

CEO and Founder

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Emmanuel E. Tweve

Biomedical engineer

Chief Technical Officer

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Amoda Bendre

Financial manager

Chief Accountant

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Asimwe Maregesi

Medical doctor

Medical lead